Owner of Bergen Financial, Darcy Bergen Details Life Insurance into Retirement

Darcy Bergen

May 24, 2019

Darcy Bergen

Darcy Bergen

Managing Partner and Financial Advisor, Darcy Bergen started Bergen Financial Group in 2003 and has been recognized as one of the top 20 advisors in sales with Midland National life annuity division year after year. In 2015, after many years of successful investment and financial development for his clients, Darcy Bergen became a fiduciary (Series 65 license), offering even further reliance between trustees and beneficiaries.

Bergen Financial Group offers conservative retirement planning strategies and products designed to provide guaranteed income for life while protecting their client’s principal from the fluctuations of the stock market with fixed index annuity options.

When high earning individuals retire, they can use their life insurance as a means of income. For business owners, it’s a way to make sure the company can move forward successfully. Concerning financial planning into retirement, purchasing a policy that will build cash value over the years with the principal protection while having stock market linked returns is a valid retirement plan, as the client can withdraw cash loans tax-free.

Darcy Bergen focuses on key retirement planning areas, including social security and risk management. Darcy Bergen teaches several retirement planning classes at local colleges designed for those who are retiring soon. Topics included are who to use Life Insurance as a retirement tool.

Universal life insurance premiums are used to cover the costs associated with the death benefit, and any excess goes toward the cash value. If a policy is purchased early enough in life, the cash may grow large enough to cover the costs, making the policy self-sustaining. The cash portion can be used for large purchases or to supplement retirement income.

Darcy Bergen explains, “The best kind of cash value life insurance plans are “index universal life because there is no stock market risk and the returns can be linked to earning interest based on an index like the S&P 500. Indexed plans can earn double-digit returns with no risk to the principal in good stock market years.